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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The Advanced World of 3D in Gaming & More

Where can I begin? How about the beginning? It seems like the obvious place to start right? Where the only gaming we knew was playing out in the field or playing dolly house indoors. What happen to the simple board games? Oh yeah, it’s now on a screen for one’s enjoyment. Although it still can’t be compared to or replace the feeling of actually interacting and having each and every item needed to play the game in one’s hands, well not yet anyway. So it can be said that gaming have certainly come a long way and have a ways to go yet.

            In the early days of on screen play or what we call video games we all were fascinated by the dots and lines on the screen and ran to play it which started around the fifties. What was that first game? Yes, it was Tennis for Two. I know you were thinking it was pong but that one came after or I can be mistaken but would you blame me. This all started before my time and its getting extremely difficult keeping track of all the new improvements in the gaming world but I am very much trying to keep up and I definitely don’t want to miss out.

           There are two types of 3D that is spoken about. The 3-D where the activity looks like it is out of the screen and is happening around you, yes 3D projection and the other 3-D where that stick man you drew end up looking like a full figure human being, yes 3D graphics. I’m more talking about that stick man because he is a stick man no more and now looks almost as real as you do or more so but I will also include that it appears that he is walking among us.
Now let’s talk about the present. How far have we come since then? Yes! We are now in the fascinated world of 3D Gaming. Is it wrong to say that this gets me overly excited? Maybe I just shouldn’t make those types of confessions in public. Just do me a favour and don’t tell anyone I said that. But you have to agree with me on this, that seeing those rendered graphics take shape like our own reality. I’m beginning to wish I could exist in the 3D graphics world rather than the reality world I do exist in. Wow, sometimes I think the 3D Animation or 3D graphics world looks a lot better than the real one. Now looking at a screen is a lot more breathe taking than looking out my window. Now that is just wrong but feels so right. Sad isn’t it but who cares? Give me my 3D any day.

For those of you who don’t play games but do watch movies here is an example of what I speak of, where they have incorporated some 3D effects, “Avatar”. You know it. The movie that had a lot of us running to the theatres and repeatedly too. Avatar, as you may or may not have realised, took advantage of the two types of 3D. There was not only 3D graphics but also the movie itself made use of the 3D projection effects. While we all wait for the day when glasses are no longer needed to watch 3D movies, we will enjoy the movies with them as irritating as it can be at times.

            Now back to 3D Gaming and the future of it. Have you seen the latest games? The graphics are extraordinary and they are still trying to improve them. I know that they are trying to reach the point of virtual reality rather than the simple simulations that they have now with the impressive 3D graphics and projections. Take The Sims for instants. Imagine not just creating a realistic figure to control with a controller but actually being in the game as that figure using just your mind. Soon will be the day when you can probably walk into a room or have an environment appear from a console or computer in your presents. We are surely already half way there since we already have the graphics down pack we are only to perfect the method to project our minds into it. Yes, you will just want to reach out and touch, actually feel the things around you. The 3D graphics today are indeed amazing and worth the praise if not from the gamers or anime and movie watchers but the average man who can at lease appreciate such innovation and mind boggling feathers. I can’t really explain it so sight with your own eyes will be best.

So take a look at this marvelous creation

So tell me what to you see in our 3D creations in our world today and beyond.

Friday, 13 May 2011


Love is the greatest force in existence. Life means nothing without love. Like they say “love conquers all”. Some people may think it could be ones greatest weakness but I believe it’s ones greatest strength if embrace, for they also say that “love can move mountains”. I believe love comes in all forms, whether it’s a love for a friend, family member or partner. It’s a special feeling and should not be taken for granted. You can run and hide from love all you want but it cannot be denied. So why try? Cause in the end you will fail. You may succeed in keeping it away but it will always be their hunting you like a ghost in the dark or a whisper in the distance. One should always hold on to their love ones. Love and appreciate them in return because not everyone has that or is lucky enough to experience that in their life time.

How do you know that the love is real?
When you jump to help that love one without question when they need it or when their needs are just as important as yours even more so or when you take the time to see that they are well. Sometimes it’s just the little things. Love isn’t really that complicated. It just appears to be difficult. Selflessness, now that is the ultimate sign of love, giving without expecting anything in return and making sacrifices for the betterment of another.

Your Life Partner.
True love is one of the hardest things to find for lust or even deep infatuation is sometimes mistaken for it. But love is forever and everything else is momentary. People go through life searching and never finding that special someone. Their one and only, their true soul mate. It’s sad really. Not having someone to share your life with, your ups and downs, your special moments, your successes or disappointments. We usually settle for less. Sometimes it’s because we don’t know or don’t expect better. Sometimes your life mate turns out to be your polar opposite either compared to your lifestyle or what you or other people imagine you to be with or what you normally go after. I guess this is what they mean when they say that “love is blind”.  Love is funny that way isn’t it? Especially when it blindsides you and appear when you weren’t even looking for it or thought that you didn’t need it. It can be staring you in the face the whole time and you didn’t even notice since you were probably looking at something pass it.

Is there a difference in loving someone and being in love with them?
I certainly believe there is. You can love someone deeply even mistake them for your soul mate but not truly be in love with them. You can love many times but you can only be in love once for you can only have one soul mate in one life time. Well at lease that’s my belief anyway.
I say if you think you are in love with more than one person then you don’t love either one of them enough. So you see there is a difference. “Love” is vast, open and is given to many but “in love” is only given to the one your soul recognises as its other half.

How do you know you are in love?
Can one really know? Maybe one can or maybe one can’t. But I do think you will know, when the other person needs comes before your own. When the first thought in the morning when you wake up is of them and the last thought when you go to bed is also of them. When you will, without doubt give anything of yourself to them even your life or death in the case may be. When they take your breath away no matter how they look every single time. When you feel butterflies in your stomach just by a simple thought of them. When no other person can turn your head the way they do. When you can’t seem to keep your eyes or mind off them. When no other person can enter your thoughts because it only have room and is filled with that special someone. When you forget where you begin and where they end. When you will move heaven and earth to see them safe and happen. When years have gone by and the love is just as strong as or even stronger than it was especially when you thought that it couldn’t possibly get any stronger. When you realise that you can’t live without them. The list can go on and on and on. Yes, true unconditional love.

Love Lost
It can be considered the greatest pain one can go through. One may not want to continue living and want the world to end. It would seem that it’s the opposite feeling of being in love with the same intensity. Instead of wanting to live forever with the one you love you want to die as soon as u can. Instead of butterflies in the stomach, you feel like you got stab in the gut. Instead of you not wanting to forget any moment you had with that special someone you wish you will forget they ever existed. Instead of your hearth feeling it will burst with joy you feel its been ripped out of your chest and stamped on. So the list for this also goes on and on and on. So yes Love hurts when lost.

Why do we hurt the ones we Love
Sometimes we don’t mean to but we do. We’re not perfect and so will from time to time hurt the ones closest to us. Sometimes we just can’t help but hurt the ones we love even when we try not to. Maybe cause we didn’t love them as we thought or not enough or too much. Maybe it’s because they are close to us and that makes it easier for us to hurt them. The hurt sometimes come about when we try to protect them and end up doing the complete opposite in the process. Life is unpredictable and therefore events don’t always happen as plan. It doesn’t mean that we don’t love the person but rather that we are not perfect and we’re human and will stumble along the way. It is how we deal with the after effects that will prove our love’s worth.
Love is strange cause as much as we can’t sometimes help but hurt the ones we love we sometimes also can’t help but love the ones who hurt us.

But after knowing all this they say that “it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never have loved at all”. Who says these things? Maybe it was said by sentimental fools or love struck puppies or the hopeless romantics or just by people who have just had the best luck in the world with love and have not been struck down by the hands of despair. But I have to admit after knowing about all the great things and ignoring the bad, “I want to know what love is” and I bet you do to.

So tell me, do you have love in your life? Have you found your soul mate? If not, do you see yourself finding them someday? What do you see love is?

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

NEWS: Osama Bin Laden have been Killed!

Obama saw him Die — Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye. The Seal then carried out what is known in the military as a ‘double tap’ – shooting him again, probably in the chest, to make certain he was dead. The video footage, relayed to the White House by satellite is said to show one of his wives acting as a human shield to protect him as he blasted away with an AK47 assault rifle. She died, along with three other men, including one of Bin Laden’s sons. Within hours, the Al Qaeda leader’s body was buried at sea.

So he had been found wanted.
Now he have been captured dead and not alive.

It's clear that the demise of Osama Bin Laden is being looked upon as a great accomplishment. That the world is no longer under threat by him and those who have suffered because of him can now have a peace of mind. That we all can now breathe a little easier because there is one less mass murderer off the streets.

So now we are rejoicing after a death. But death is never really something to rejoice or to be celebrated or is it? Life is, isn’t it? It shows the true failure of our human race. Murder should never be looked upon as an accomplishment. When we start being happy when someone is dead or in pain and suffering we know we have a big problem. Maybe justice was serve even though there was not a trial but now we must look at ourselves and see what we have done in the past to be living a present as we are and what we have to look forward to in the future. For don't you remember on that unfaithful day on 9/11 there was another group of people celebrating and rejoicing for they too saw what they had done as being an accomplishment. It seems we have come full circle but like a ball we very well may continue to go round and round and round. Let’s just pray it will not be so.

Wow. Here I taught true accomplishment would be when we have world peace or the problem of global warming being solve or there is no more hungry or homeless people in the world but that must have been my mistake. Maybe these things are no longer a main objective and no one saw it fit to tell me.

I hope that the jubilation around the world especially in the USA, don't turn into great sadness for there is a saying "after laughter comes sorrow" cause we must remember that he was not working alone and there may have been a plan in place to be carried out upon his death.

We know as much as although we may try to deny it, that violence breathes violence and it has certainly been a very violent road since 9/11. So we should be preparing for what may come next rather than pulling out the wine and the Champaign, for who knows what tomorrow may bring.

It is sad that so many people had to lose their life because of one man for whatever reason he may have had. So it may very well be that it would have been better if he had been captured alive rather than dead if only for the gather of information that he may have possess.

I do understand why people will be as happy about his death as they are but we as good people are suppose not step down to the level of the monsters we try to defeat or the beast we claim not to be or even the demons we try to keep away. 
So let us take this time and reflect and don't let our thirst for revenge blind us from gaining the peace and harmony we so righteously seek.

So ask yourself, is this the end or just the beginning of the worst yet to come?
What do you see next in our future after the death of Osama Bin Laden?

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