Where can I begin? How about the beginning? It seems like the obvious place to start right? Where the only gaming we knew was playing out in the field or playing dolly house indoors. What happen to the simple board games? Oh yeah, it’s now on a screen for one’s enjoyment. Although it still can’t be compared to or replace the feeling of actually interacting and having each and every item needed to play the game in one’s hands, well not yet anyway. So it can be said that gaming have certainly come a long way and have a ways to go yet.
In the early days of on screen play or what we call video games we all were fascinated by the dots and lines on the screen and ran to play it which started around the fifties. What was that first game? Yes, it was Tennis for Two. I know you were thinking it was pong but that one came after or I can be mistaken but would you blame me. This all started before my time and its getting extremely difficult keeping track of all the new improvements in the gaming world but I am very much trying to keep up and I definitely don’t want to miss out.

There are two types of 3D that is spoken about. The 3-D where the activity looks like it is out of the screen and is happening around you, yes 3D projection and the other 3-D where that stick man you drew end up looking like a full figure human being, yes 3D graphics. I’m more talking about that stick man because he is a stick man no more and now looks almost as real as you do or more so but I will also include that it appears that he is walking among us.
Now let’s talk about the present. How far have we come since then? Yes! We are now in the fascinated world of 3D Gaming. Is it wrong to say that this gets me overly excited? Maybe I just shouldn’t make those types of confessions in public. Just do me a favour and don’t tell anyone I said that. But you have to agree with me on this, that seeing those rendered graphics take shape like our own reality. I’m beginning to wish I could exist in the 3D graphics world rather than the reality world I do exist in. Wow, sometimes I think the 3D Animation or 3D graphics world looks a lot better than the real one. Now looking at a screen is a lot more breathe taking than looking out my window. Now that is just wrong but feels so right. Sad isn’t it but who cares? Give me my 3D any day.
For those of you who don’t play games but do watch movies here is an example of what I speak of, where they have incorporated some 3D effects, “Avatar”. You know it. The movie that had a lot of us running to the theatres and repeatedly too. Avatar, as you may or may not have realised, took advantage of the two types of 3D. There was not only 3D graphics but also the movie itself made use of the 3D projection effects. While we all wait for the day when glasses are no longer needed to watch 3D movies, we will enjoy the movies with them as irritating as it can be at times.
Now back to 3D Gaming and the future of it. Have you seen the latest games? The graphics are extraordinary and they are still trying to improve them. I know that they are trying to reach the point of virtual reality rather than the simple simulations that they have now with the impressive 3D graphics and projections. Take The Sims for instants. Imagine not just creating a realistic figure to control with a controller but actually being in the game as that figure using just your mind. Soon will be the day when you can probably walk into a room or have an environment appear from a console or computer in your presents. We are surely already half way there since we already have the graphics down pack we are only to perfect the method to project our minds into it. Yes, you will just want to reach out and touch, actually feel the things around you. The 3D graphics today are indeed amazing and worth the praise if not from the gamers or anime and movie watchers but the average man who can at lease appreciate such innovation and mind boggling feathers. I can’t really explain it so sight with your own eyes will be best.
So take a look at this marvelous creation
So tell me what to you see in our 3D creations in our world today and beyond.
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