Are we willing to pay him extra for the additional work that we are asking of him? Why to do we strip ourselves of responsibility by casting blame on another like the strippers do with their clothes, in the strip club, that he voluntarily went to, drank and enjoyed the show. I wonder what excuse he is going to give for being at the strip club in the first place. What about that saying “the customer is always right”? By stopping the man from drinking, are we not telling him he is wrong to continue drinking? How many of us had friends denied that they are drunk when told that they were, even us ourselves? What do you think a stranger will have to go through in a situation like that especially one that is occupied with many other patrons who also may be in the same position? If we start blaming the bartender, I will not be surprise to see more people trying to scam bars by intentionally running up a tab, playing drunk and suing them.
I would also say there are clubs that may intentionally put you in a position to make you want to show off your drinking skills but the choice was yours to go down that drunken road. The club is only wrong if they had rack up a false bill for the customer to pay. That will be a real scam. Where was his friends and if he knew he couldn't hold his alcohol then he shouldn't be drinking or he should have said no when he first felt that buzz or after 2 drinks. We really need to stop blaming people for our obvious failures to do the right thing. Some people have a tendency to show off and pretend to have money especially when they are under the influence but again it’s a choice.
But that is only my view on how I see it.
How do you see things?
How do you see things?
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